How to Plan a Trip to Iceland

If you have ever heard the amazing stories about Iceland, they are all true! If you’ve come this far into doing research about how to plan a trip to Iceland, I’m here to help you cross the bridge and fill in gaps so you can make your dream a reality.

As someone who has done this trip, I’m able to assist in every step of the journey. I’ve boiled this down into cliff notes so you can do your own research after reading them and dig deeper into tours that will fit your personal preferences and budget.

First off, you are going to need to trust the Internet. It’s a big place with a lot of information that can help you get there in one piece and not be stressed out. Long gone are the days of visiting a travel agency and having someone plan everything for you – for a fee! It’s your adventure, and you can know that every item is covered online, you just need to know how to look for it.

The best tip I can give you is to leverage the various Facebook Groups about Iceland.

Resource: When In Iceland Facebook Group.

Next, you’ll want to decide when to visit Iceland.

The winter months will allow you to have more freedom as the tourism numbers are down. However, this comes with the caveat that it will be below freezing and there will be very little sunlight! The sun is only out for approximately six hours during the month of December!

On the positive side, this allows you a great opportunity to view the Northern Lights, which is a marquee attraction in Iceland.

Conversely, the Fall and Spring will bring you better temperatures and less snow, but there will be a much slimmer chance of viewing the Northern Lights.

Lastly, there are the Summer months. While you will see a greener country and experience a lot of beauty on that end of the spectrum, it does come with a much higher price tag. Be prepared to spend more money if you choose to visit Iceland in the Summer.

Also, you’ll want to have an agenda. If you are one to take things in on your own and adventure into the wild, Iceland will be a perfect escape for you. There are also guided tours that you can hire and they will accommodate to your every need or desire. Simply ask anyone in the aforementioned Facebook group and they can steer you in the right direction.

You can of course, do public transportation in Iceland. It’s entirely safe and used by many people.

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